Thursday, 7 January 2010

Clash of the Titans score

Apparently everyone but me HATED the heavy(ish) metal music in the trailer for the "Clash of The Titans" trailer; in which case that same everyone is about to be very, very angry...

According to Chud the film may forgoe a "traditional" singular-composer score in favor of a score by rock band Muse:

This is how out of the loop I am on popular music: Is Muse still "cool," or has the Stephanie Meyer connection killed it for them? Whatever, I like their stuff for the most part. They aren't precisely "metal," closer to a self-parody riff on a kind of Radiohead/early-Queen fusion, but they're "bigger" material trends close to "symphonic metal" like Symphony X.

For what it's worth, I'm MASSIVELY in favor of this... ANYTHING to avoid another tired variation on the "Gladiator" score for this genre. The "Clash" remake looks to be eschewing the traditional Greek mythology visual tropes for something closer to Frazetta-type "high fantasy" pulp-art, which has ALWAYS mixed tremendously well with metal/symphonic-hard-rock. If this goes through, watching this flick is gonna feel like a Man-o-War album cover come to life; and that's a damn good feel as far as I'm concerned.

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