Saturday, 19 March 2011

"Zangief Kid" is alright by me

(Warning: Video clip is pretty brutal)

By now people have probably seen this, either in it's original form (after the jump) or in "remixed" form with Street Fighter sound effects. It's been all over the net, turning it's "hero" into an interweb sensation.

Short version: A "stocky" schoolkid in Sydney, Australia who has apparently been a long time victim of bullying, was being verbally and physically assaulted by another classmate... and did something about it. Specifically, he grabbed the bully, hoisted him into the air and smashed him head-first into the ground, "pile-driver" style - amazingly, the bully was apparently not seriously injured. The incident was caught on tape - where it can be seen that the bully was being "cheered on" by several others at the time. Both boys were temporarily suspended, but "Zangief Kid" (nicknamed for an Street Fighter character with a piledriver move) has already become the latest internet nerd-culture folk hero. Onetime victims of similar torment have offered praise; and "Anonymous" has turned it's Sauron-esque gaze upon the school, the bully and his family.

I've been hesitant to jump right in on this one, because you can just FEEL the other shoe waiting to drop... but yeah, I'm sorry - I have NO real problem with this whatsoever. Yes, it'd be nice if bullies and all other problems could be solved without violence. Yes, a piledriver on concrete is possibly a touch too far, YES, "Zangief Kid" and his "fans" are all lucky as HELL that the bully in question wasn't killed - which looks to have been a distinct possibility.

But... yeah, on behalf of bullied kids and especially bullied "fat kids" in the past, present and future... ROCK ON, kid.

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