Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Laugh It Up...

Something that's getting old: Otherwise-insightful film writers snarking at TMNT fans for expressing any level of concern about Michael Bay's latest tomfoolery.

I "get" it, sure - fanboys can be some of the most obnoxious, entitled dipshits on the planet; the ongoing nonsense over "Mass Effect" demonstrates as much. But in this particular case I'm not convinced its a good idea to dissmiss the supposed "red flags" being raised out of hand as just another "OH NOES MAH NOSTALGIAZ!!!1!" thing. "Fanboys" can be the canary-in-the-coalmine of pre-production under certain circumstances, and there's more than enough precedent this time: EVERYONE poo-poo'd and snarked when "Transformers" fanboys flipped their collective shit over the early glimpses at what Bay was doing to THAT property; after all... but Chicken Little was RIGHT - "Bayformers" really WAS one of the most noxious, poisonous, anticinematic, artistically-destructive things ever to infect the popular culture...

...and those "whiny fanboys" WARNED. US. IT. WAS. GOING. TO. HAPPEN.

Maybe we oughtn't be THIS quick to laugh it off, is all I'm positing, given the track-record of those involved. I'd also offer that its weirdly-incongruous to be doing so the same week that we're all bending over backwards to smile and nod about treating "The Hunger Games" arriving in movie-form like the second-coming (its not, that's all you'll get out of me for now) because we're all relieved that "fangirls" are psyched for something that isn't "Twilight." Just sayin...

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