Thursday, 3 March 2016

The New Ghostbusters Movie Trailer

The new Ghostbusters official trailer is here!
I began watching the trailer with mixed emotions. I know this movie is going to fall closer to modern slapstick comedy rather than the understated cleverness of the original Ghostbusters.

I don't like this because there is no reason for it to exist. It isn't Ghostbusters, it's a cash grab. It should be released as it's own property, but nobody would have paid money to make or see it.

This movie is cashing in on nostalgia and is Ghostbuster in name only. I have no problem with a female crew, my problem is with silly jokes. This trailer showcases a few of them. As trailers do, I'm guessing we saw the best ones, which isn't saying much. I just don't like this type of humor.

Why even mention the original Ghostbusters? It's wasted trailer space that has nothing or little to do with this movie. Our we going to see the original firehouse?

I'm split on the car. The original car is a classic and this is knockoff. Why not take a Dodge Magnum or a Jeep Wranger and really switch it up if you aren't going to use the original. I admit there is no reason to have the original, but the knockoff we saw looks like a joke. The Egon character looks like a cartoon.

I liked the spray painted 'no ghosts' symbol, but why would that even exist? I like the new music. Of course, they remixed the original songs so that is the reason.

Intriguing that the voice over says someone, indicating a person, has built a device to amplify paranormal activity. Is the villain going to be a person? That could be a prime spot for a Bill Murray cameo, but I hope Bill has enough sense to avoid this.

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