Monday 17 August 2009

"Inglorious" Marketing

I'm fairly certain I'm "embargo'd" against telling you whether or not "Inglorious Basterds" is good or not until it opens on Friday. So, let me just say this i.e. the film's marketing and how people may be percieving it.

By now, if you're pre-experience of "Basterds" is limited only to it's "official" advertising, you've probably absorbed the notion that this is basically "Kill Bill in WWII," another one-beat "Grindhouse"-style lark about a hit-squad of Jewish-American GI's carrying out a pre-DDay shock-n-awe campaign against Nazis in occupied France. And, depending on how that pitch sounds to you, you're probably letting that imagined-film influence whether or not you plan to see it. Let me be very clear here: STOP THAT.

Imagine if "Pulp Fiction's" trailer had bee nothing but the "action" beats from only Butch's story. That's all I'll say.

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