Tuesday 27 April 2010

POLL: What Will Spidey's Fanservice Be?

Let's do another one of these, why the hell not?

Stuff is happening right now in the production of Sony's fast-tracked Spider-Man reboot. Why aren't we hearing about it? Who knows, but it's possibly because most studios with superhero movies in production are holding the usual minor leaks until they know how to frame it in the context of "Iron Man 2" (i.e. "do we tell them that Sinestro is next year's Whiplash, or next year's Whiplash-done-well?")

So, we're probably going to hear Spider-news sooner than later. My guess is that ONE of the earliest things "leaked" is some minor (or maybe not) element that's being "rethought" from the previous films that will actually "fix" something fans didn't like about Raimi's version; the idea being to "buy" some positive buzz ("Cue Cullen" aka "And The Fandom Rejoiced" for you TV Tropers.)

So, what do we think it'll be? What bone will Sony Pictures throw to fandom in hopes of distracting from how bad the rest of it will still sound?

A.) Mechanical Webshooters.

B.) No raised webbing on the costume and/or web-netting under the arms.

C.) ONE supporting-actor retained from earlier series (like Simmons still being Jameson.)

D.) "Geek pinup" actress, likely from a canceled Joss Whedon show, cast as female lead.

E.) The villain is... THE LIZARD, since you never actually got him last round!

F.) Previously-utilized villain returns, but now done "right" (i.e. Goblin in his purple tunic.)

G.) "That's Eddie Brock, he just transfered here."

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