Friday 12 October 2012

Let This Be Fake

The image on the right (no pun intended) comes courtesy Getty Images via Buzzfeed and is alleged to have been snapped at a Romney/Ryan event earlier today. Speaking for the campaign, a spokesperson was quoted as calling it "reprehensible;" which I imagine would be the sincere opinion of both men running. Whatever else I can say about either Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan, I don't think it's likely that outright racism is a motivation factor for either of them (I cannot say the same thing, of course, about their party...)

This is probably real, but I really do hope that it isn't. As damaging as it'd be, short-term, to "my side," I want to believe that this guy doesn't really exist - that this is "false flag" subterfuge a'la the Republican supporter who cut a "B" into her own face back in '08. But... it's probably real, meaning that someone printed these up and there are probably a lot more than one. Depressing, I would imagine, regardless of what your actualy politics are.
I have my own reasons for supporting Obama, but if an extra one was needed the idea that people like this would be emboldened would certainly do it: Like it or not, a Romney win would be a "victory" both for guys like this and the less-blatant gradiations of him that just want to "preserve traditional America" or whatever the euphamism for societal-stagnation is this week. If this election is about anything, macro, it's whether we want to continue regressing into worship of an "old world" that never fully existed OR if we want to continue dismantling the superstition of the "old world" to build not just a new world but a superior world.

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