Tuesday 16 October 2012

The Moment

Busy night. May or may not post a longer debate-related thing, but in brief: Obama won but Romney still standing, Fox News will now spend a years trying to ruin Candy Crowley, Obama saying that low-skill jobs that've gone to China "aren't coming back" and that high-end, high-skill tech and science careers are the future of the American economy is the first time a politician with something to lose has told the HARD TRUTH about jobs since John McCain said it four years ago.

However... for me, there was only one moment that stood out, and unlike a lot of people (so far) it's not Mitt getting "live fact-checked" by the moderator about Libya.

No, "The Moment" was when Mitt Romney - GOP nominee for the President of the United States in the 21st Century - answered a question about gun violence by saying (in part) that "...women should think about getting married before they have babies" (paraphrased, since the damn thing only just ended) - in other words: "gun violence is committed by hoodlums raised by single mothers."

That he said such a thing isn't the story - the anachronistic myth that ONLY a strong patriarch can managed a family (or anything else) properly is one of THE key animating beliefs of the present day Republican Party.

No, the story is that he said this thing - without a hint of irony! - while standing on the same debate stage mere feet away from a man who was the child of a single mother AND GREW UP TO BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

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