The attendant image was found, multiple times, in a standard Google Image Search for "Beast of Revelation." For those not "up" on their Escatology, "The Beast" is supposed to team-up with "The Dragon" and "The False Prophet" and lead the bad guys during The End Times. It's typically described as a lion/bear/leopard hybrid (i.e. all local predators that would be common to folks in the time/place Revelations is supposed to have been written) with seven heads and ten horns; and is typically depicted in the manner of a plus-sized Chimera.
I'm not going to call myself a Biblical scholar, but I'm reasonably certain that "Ginormous Triceratops Face" is conceptual-license on the part of the artist. I find it fascinating.
I can't find exactly where this came from, or if it was intended as "serious" Christian art or if someone is doing a parody of the genre, but this specific image (and imitations of it) are ALL OVER "End Times" websites; so whether it was meant seriously or not it's certainly being taken seriously by the audience for such things.
What intrigues me so much about stuff like this is, assuming for a moment that this was painted by a true-believer... whoever he/she is is not only fairly talented, but has also clearly seen and been influenced-by a pretty good deal of fantasy/monster art AND has enough real creative energy happening to conjure up "ten horns and crowns" = "what if one head is a Triceratops with a crown on the horns" out of thin air. This is probably more my own prejudices, such as they are, speaking; but to me the concept of someone whose mind is "assembled" in such a way being "on board" with the Left Behind set is kind of baffling yet fascinating.
I'm given to imagine the unknown-to-me painter as a profoundly conflicted being: a psyche torn between an obvious creative/imaginative instinct and sincere adherence to repressive-by-nature fundamentalism, with rendering Biblical demons being the only form of self-expression that can be unleashed without allowing one to negate the other - in much the same way that medieval and renaissance artists REALLY "cut loose" when depicting demonic figures or visions of Hell. That, or it's something a committed Metalhead/D&D fan trapped in Sunday School did to stay sharp until he/she could turn 18 and earn a living painting stuff like this on people's vans. Either way works.
FUN FACT: In the late-1970s, Toho actually proposed making a "Godzilla vs. Satan" movie - with Godzilla fighting the Biblical monsters of Water, Air and Earth (Leviathan, Ziz and Behemoth in the actual scriptures) followed by The Devil himself - hoping to cash-in on the success of "The Exorcist." I would absolutely watch a "Christian Kaiju" movie if that sucker up above was in it.
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